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The seed of Greater Faith was planted into the hearts of Jamie & Pamela Benjamin in their living room in March of 2002.  But just like everything else in life, establishing this ministry had a process.  Though rewarding and difficult, satisfying and yet humbling, the impending process prepared and matured them for the start of something beautiful.


Over the next 6 years, God instilled within them the understanding that some things would have to die in order that something Greater could be birthed.   In October of 2007, the Lord reminded our Pastors of the vision He had bestowed on them for "Greater Faith."   In obedience and with God's direction, Greater Faith Church was established in January 2008. 


The theme for the church that God gave these young Pastors was “A Church of New Beginnings,”; a place where anyone can start over.  From its inception, Greater Faith Church has stayed True to her Vision of "Healthy People."   During the church's first two years, a solid foundation of divine health and restoration was laid.   God reminded us that just as a child is during its infant stages, so too would we be delicate in our formative years.  Sensitivity proved paramount as the young church prayerfully considered who and what they allowed close to them.  Yes, there were many challenges that hit the ministry and sought to destroy it, but the scriptures declare that if you suffer with Him, you shall surely reign with Him.  Those obstacles helped us to grow as a Family and as a Body.


To date, without question, the single greatest instruction of act of obedience that the Church has made was when it came into Covenant with and came under the Leadership of Apostles Ron & Hope Carpenter and the Redemption Ministerial Fellowship International (RMFI) based in Greenville, S.C.


Out of this covenant sprang many Greater Faith institutions:

  • Youth Ministries: King's Kids, Faith Kids, Godly Adventurous Preteens, Motivated Teens of Greater Faith & Call Me Sir / Yes, I'm A Lady

  • "Just the 3 of Us" Marriage Ministry & Yearly Conference

  • A New Me Women's Ministry & Yearly Conference

  • Men & Women Empowerment Sessions

  • New Members Night

  • Singles Ministry

  • New Beginnings Class

  • Sound From Heaven Media Ministry

  • Sons Of Encouragement Men's Ministry

  • Evangelism Team Ministry

  • Warriors of Praise, Worship Team

  • Intercessory Prayer Ministry

  • Parking/Security Ministry

  • "Develop Me" Leadership Ministry & Individual Training Sessions


In our 3rd Year of ministry, God spoke a fresh instruction for Greater Faith.  NOW IS THE TIME OF THE UNVEILING! This was the year of Divine Exposure.  When the assignment and purpose of the Believer connects with the opportunities and resources of the community, a Church will then begin to fulfill its destiny.  Partnership was a watchword during this year.   We were excited about new doors of opportunity that were opened to serve our community, such as our Partnership Program with the Sam Hughes Neighborhood Association.

Going into our 4th year, God laid another piece of the foundation of Greater Faith Church.   He released the word that He was going to Perfect us, Establish us, Strengthen us, and Settle us.  We went through a trimming process where God cut some things away from us, just as a plant being trimmed in preparation for further growth.  God began to pour back into us, allowing us to stand firm and become more deeply rooted in our mission, our vision, and the surrounding community.  God brought the increase in so many areas, gracing us with a tenacity we had not possessed in earlier years.   With renewed vigor and a greater constitution, Greater Faith charged ahead on through 2012 as God was building up the church's momentum to bring forth another level of influence and authority for this great body of believers. 

At the start of our 5th year of ministry, God was still propelling us forward.  The word for the House of Greater Faith in 2013 was DOUBLE PORTION! God gave us that word, and then His grace began to enlarge our leadership capacity.   God had already shown our Pastors the path Greater Faith was to follow and give them a glimpse of the significant things that were to come.   God had been preparing the hearts of our Pastors for Apostleship for years prior to them stepping into the office.  After preparing the church for the transition the year prior, God elevated BOTH of our Pastors into Apostleship through the laying on of hands by our covering ministry, Redemption World Outreach Center.  Anointed by Bishop Paul & Pastor Carol Gaehring and blessed by Apostles Ron & Hope Carpenter, our freshly ordained Apostles began their assault on the natural and spiritual enemies that stood in the way of the Double Portion and God's plan for Greater Faith and the City of Tucson. 


Year 6 for GFC was marked by the word that it would be a Year of the Never Been Done.   A Year of Stepping into New Territories.   The Apostolic Grace on Greater Faith really began to flex its muscles in 2014 God began to call forth the 5 fold ministry gifts that were lying dormant in the body of Greater Faith.   True to Apostolic form, a team of leaders was selected to be a part of the Develop Me training ministry.   This ministry was launched to ensure the continued viability of Greater Faith Church.  Leaders would be raised up and be able to effectively contribute or oversee ministry or community matters for years and generations to come.


It Is Settled was the word that ushered in year 7.  Influence and visibility expanded for the GFC family as the vision of Healthy People began to enlarge. The heart for the City of Tucson that God instilled in our Apostles began to shine forth in spiritual and secular arenas.  Greater Faith has postured herself to be a ministry that stands ready to be the tip of God's spear when called.   As Bishop Paul Gaehring says, “We are sitting on ready!


As our 8th year in ministry begins, God has reminded us of His desire to do a new thing in us. He has instructed us to Chase and Pursue Newness.  By the Grace of God, Greater Faith is not a ministry that is merely surviving, but we are thriving and continuing to step into all that God has for us.  Our earnest prayer and desire are to be used by our God and be catalysts in advancing the Kingdom of God.  We thank God for how he loves us, we praise Jesus for his Grace always abounding toward us, and we honor the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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